The home starting point for all operations including creating a character and selecting a room to join.
What you see in this screen differs depending on whether the player’s character has been created or not. If it hasn’t been created yet, create a character by filling out the form on the right side of the screen. Once a character is created, you can perform all other operations such as joining to the room displayed on the left side of the screen.
Create a Character
If the character doesn’t exist, you can’t do anything other than create a character.
Enter the fields for various parameters such as name and moving average line, and click the “New” button at the bottom right of the screen or press ENTER key to create. Initial values of name and appearance-related fields are randomly generated. You can shuffle these contents by pressing button located next to the name field.
After Character Creation
You can perform operations such as character settings and joining rooms.
You can perform character-related operations from the buttons on the right side of the screen.
- Settings
- History
- Succession
When you press theC key or “Settings” button, it will transition to the screen where you can change the settings of the moving average line and trading arrows.
When you press theW key or “History” button, it will transition to the screen where you can see the past trade history.
When you press theS key or “Succession” button, it will transition to the screen that displays a list of historical characters.
Selection of Room
You can select/participate in the room and display the ranking by pressing the button or key input displayed on the left side of the screen.
Press ↑ / ↓ or I / K to move the cursor and point to the room you want to enter. You can join room by pressing a ENTER key or clicking the “Join” button.
Press ↑ / ↓ or I / K to move the cursor. You can move to ranking page by pressing a R key or clicking the “Ranking” button.
Joining a Private Room
Enter the 4-character room code given to you by the host who created the private room in the field at the bottom left of the screen and press the “Proceed” button.
Create a Private Room
You can move to the private room creation screen by clicking the “Create Private Room” button at the bottom left of the screen.